Synod Ministries Board
What is the Albany Synod Ministries Board (SMB)?
A group of committed volunteers from all corners of the synod that meets several times throughout the year to facilitate the ministry of Albany Synod. Its membership includes six delegates nominated by their classes (one from each), three additional at-large delegates, and the three officers elected by the Regional Synod of Albany. In addition to these voting members, the SMB is also attended by synod staff people, as needed, and by the director or other representative of Camp Fowler.
What does the SMB do?
Our mission statement reads:
The Synod Ministries Board empowers classes and congregations
for revitalization, discipleship and mission,
through clear communication and relevant resourcing.
We are in this together…for good.
The SMB is charged with listening carefully to the churches in their classes, in order that they might learn about the churches’ needs, challenges, and gifts. They report their findings to the rest of the SMB, also listening for ways that the churches and classes can work collaboratively. The SMB offers a wide variety of resources to support its people. Sometimes they recommend and make available existing resources. At other times they support the creation of new resources, as new needs are discovered.
The SMB on retreat at Camp Fowler in 2023
What are some examples of the SMB’s work?
Developing, sponsoring and funding many training and learning events for church leaders, such as boundary awareness training, consistory member training, healthy communication training, a worship festival, christian educator summits, book study groups, and zoom gatherings during the pandemic, aimed at addressing increased stress and anxiety.
Offering a variety of yearly retreats to provide support to clergy and other church leaders. These include Beginning and Beyond, a retreat for clergy new to their ministries in Albany Synod, the Pastors+Families retreat, and a retreat for women clergy.
Giving financial support for the training of members of the Albany Synod Mediation Team, and publicizing the team as a valuable resource for churches in conflict
Supporting the Albany Synod School of Ministry, which offers courses to train preaching elders
Sponsoring the Preaching Elder Circle, a monthly zoom gathering that includes continuing education and opportunities for mutual support and accountability.
Sponsoring the Christian Educators’ Circle, which meets monthly to provide community and resources for Christian Educators in our synod
Creating a confidential discretionary fund to help pastors and preaching elders access counseling, coaching or spiritual direction
Developing a partnership with Practical Resources for Churches, which offers many helps and educational opportunities for church leaders, including monthly Sexual Harassment Prevention trainings
What have churches used SMB grants for?
In 2023, the SMB distributed:
$900 to Delmar Reformed Church, to partially fund a youth ministry retreat
$1000 to Glen Reformed Church to help with technology upgrades
$1000 to Bethany Reformed Church to help with technology upgrades
$835 to assist Germantown Reformed Church with their Appreciative Inquiry process
$1000 to Greenbush Reformed Church to support their Greenbush Musical Arts Internship program
$1000 seed grant to Lisha’s Kill Reformed Church in building and filling a Little Free Food Pantry
$1000 to Community Reformed Church of Colonie to help fund a leadership retreat
$1000 to Niskayuna Reformed Church to install Hearing Assist technology
The SMB is blessed to offer grants for new ministry efforts in the areas of Discipleship, Mission, and Revitalization. Grants are for up to $1,000 and applications must come with support from both the local consistory and from the classis. Keep scrolling for more information, or click the button below to apply!
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Grant Application
Grants are available in three areas:
1. Discipleship
2. Mission
3. Revitalization
The following guidelines apply to all grants:
The grant requested must be matched by the applicant.
Applicants must list all other funding sources of the grant.
Applicants receiving a grant will be required to provide an evaluation of the ministry supported by this grant.
Grants requiring funding for more than one year will be asked to reapply each year, and will only be considered for two years.
Funding is limited. In the event that the Synod Ministry Board Grants Account is exhausted for the year, or nearly so, preferential granting will be given to first time applicants for that calendar year.
Grants for new staff and minister salary support require matching grant money from the classis.
Please review the following grant descriptions areas. If you have any questions, contact the Synod Ministries Coordinator before applying.
1. Discipleship Grants
Discipleship grants help classes and congregations identify, develop, and encourage both layperson and clergy skilled leadership to answer Christ's call to discipleship. A single event or short-term grant up to $1,000 is available for leadership development.
2. Mission Grants
Mission grants are available to help classes and congregations develop new diaconal ministries that reach out to those in need and connect with others outside our church walls. A single event or short-term grant up to $1000 is available to support new diaconal ministries and outreach.
3. Revitalization Grants
Revitalization grants are available to help classes and congregations become healthier and re-imagine and re-vision their mission and ministry. A single event or short-term grant up to $1000 are available to support processes and programs.
The grant approval process has a rolling deadline. Grants submitted before the end of any month can expect a response before the 15th of the next month.